He is the best carpenter in town

Terms and Conditions


  1. By ‘businesses’ we are referring to companies and trades people that have chosen to use Cornish Traders to promote themselves online via www.cornishtraders.com and affiliated social media platforms.
  2. Cornish Traders is not responsible for any false or misleading advertising on your behalf.
  3. Cornish Traders is not responsible for any insurance claims made by your customers.
  4. All businesses that are registered with Cornish Traders are expected to arrange their own public liability and business insurance where necessary.
  5. At Cornish Traders you will not be fixed into a contract. By signing up with Cornish Traders you are agreeing to a month to month advertising campaign with us. You can stop any direct debit payments yourself via online banking, telephone banking or in your local branch. We take no responsibility for cancelling direct debits.
  6. Cornish Traders does not offer refunds to businesses under any circumstances and is not responsible in any way for the running of your business.
  7. By signing up to www.cornishtraders.com you are giving permission for Cornish Traders to use your logo and company name in social media, radio and paper advertising campaigns when required by Cornish Traders.
  8. Where possible, we proof-read any content submitted by businesses. However, we accept no responsibility for spelling or grammatical errors that can be found on logos, websites or advertisements that are not created by Cornish Traders. Please check all content carefully before submitting it to be published.
  9. By signing up to the direct debit of your selected package you fully accept and agree to the terms stated above.


  1. By ‘Customers’ we are referring to individuals who choose to use www.cornishtraders.com and all affiliated social media pages to look for businesses. ‘Customers’ also refers to individuals who have used businesses advertised on www.cornishtraders.com and choose to leave a review for one of those businesses on the website or via an affiliated social media platform.
  2. Cornish Traders is not responsible for any false or misleading advertising made by businesses.
  3. Cornish Traders is not responsible for any insurance claims made by customers.
  4. All businesses that are registered with Cornish Traders are expected to arrange their own public liability and business insurance where necessary. Customers are responsible for checking that a business is fully insured before they arrange for the business to commence work.
  5. Complaints against any business must be taken up directly with the business in question or the appropriate regulator. You can also visit gov.uk/find-local-trading-standards-office to identify your local trading standards office if you believe a business to be operating illegally.